
  • Abandoned & Alone.  What To Do? 

​​​​​The wise and noble act towards those who abandoned you in your darkest hour is to forgive them and yourself.  God can and will use your failure to draw you to Himself.  He will never turn His back on you.  God is able and willing to preserve you while in your deepest humiliation before your detractors. 

Knowing the fact that  Jesus Christ  is our Shepherd;   will keep us from over-reacting to over-whelming pressure in a superficial way.  The world's answer to pain, pressure and suffering is to look for someone to blame, develop a deep desire to escape, deny the problem, or fall into depression. These are not habits we can afford to live with. Outlandish odds will press against you. 

This  is  your  opportunity  to grow  in  your  awareness of God's     presence and the reliability of His promises.
Make no mistake about  it,  God  makes  no  mistakes.  He knows what he is doing to you. Jesus Christ Is a gracious friend. Trust Him with all your heart.  He will never abandoned those He purchased with His own blood.    Amen!

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger



Abandoned & Alone.  What Not To Do?    

You will find yourself most vulnerable to the predatory influences of this world when you are abandoned by the most trusted people in your life.  You will know who your friends are when you fail or stumble before them. When king David fell and failed in his duty, he was abandoned by family and friends and felt the bitter sting of feeling alone and hopeless.   David was thus, seduced to one of the most dangerous state of mind to be in... he sought to defend himself.  

The Sermon on the Mount in essence, demands that we follow Jesus void of seeking vengeance or justice for ourselves.  Actually, when we seek vengeance for ourselves, we are reflecting a devotion to self.  The state of abandonment is undoubtedly the most vulnerable and humiliating experiences that has no pain equal to it. 

When we seek the exercise of vengeance, we will find ourselves in the bottomless pit of self-pity... always complaining and never content. Yet, worse... portraying a pretentious devotion while remaining reserved from trusting God with a willing heart.