The Book of Revelation Chapters 2 & 3.  Chapters two and three contains personal letters directly from the Lord to seve n churches.  Each letter represents the church historically, doctrinally, and individually.  Each letter makes some reference to the vision noted in chapter one.  The Lord Jesus Christ handles each church by name and by deeds.  He is consistent with each.  They all receive the same treatment.  Only the churches of Smyrna and Philadelphia are not in need of chastisement. Yet, five of the seven churches are in conflict with Christ. 

Perhaps, the worst of the five are Ephesus and Laodicea.  The church at Ephesus left their first love... while the church at Laodicea could not leave their love for the things of this world.

  • The Church At Ephesus - Noted As A Careless Church - ch.2 vs.1,7
  • The Church At Smyrna - Noted As A Careful Church - ch.2 vs.8-11
  • The Church At Pergamos - Noted As A Compromising Church - ch.2 vs.12-17
  • The Church At Thyatira - Noted As A Complicit Church - ch.2 vs.18-29
  • The Church At Sardis - Noted As A Complacent Church - ch.3:1,6 
  • The Church At Philadelphia - Noted As A Complete Church - ch.3:7,13
  • The Church At Laodicea - Noted As A Corrupt & Compulsive Church - ch.3:14,22

Note:  Each Church Is:
1.  Confronted Personally
2.  Commended Gracefully
3.  Chastened Parentally
4.  Counseled Scripturally
5.  Challenged Spiritually 

Book of Revelation Chapter 2 & 3  continued...

The Church of Ephesus is indicative of all seven Churches

with some minor details separating them both positive and negative.

Example:  The Church At Ephesus:

  • Approval - vs.2,3  ...I know thy works...
  • Appraisal -  - vs.4   ...thou hast left thy first love..

Note:  They Left Their Only Resource For Ministry

  1. The Accomplishment of God The Son:  Completed Work At The Cross - See Galatians 2:20; 6:14
  2. The Accompaniment of God The Holy Spirit - See John 14:16,18; 26; 15:26.
  3. The Accommodation of God The Father - 1 Peter 5:7; Hebrews 4:16
  • Appeal - vs.5,7
  1. An Appeal To Remember - 5a  ...Remember therefore...  
  2. 2.  An Appeal To Repent - 5b  ...and repent...
  3. An Appeal To Restart - 5c thy first works...
  4. An Appeal To Receive - 5d  ...let him hear...
  5. An Appeal To Be Rewarded - 5e him that overcometh, will I give...

There is a pervading movement in churches that intentionally undermines fundamental bibliology.   Many churches in this current environment of religious correctness are being seduced to dilute the fundamentals of God's Word. This is obvious because it is nearly impossible to distinguish between the religious world and many professing Christians.   The result has been an aggressive move to erode differences between fundamentalist and religionist and nurture a compatibility that is inconsistent with the biblical mandate for separation. 

For the sake of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, concerned Christians and churches must be bold in their prejudice against religionist who intentionally exercise a misrepresentation and/or ill-interpretation of the Holy Scriptures. Our chief asset is the Word of God rightly divided. This alone is what keeps a division between the ecumenical religionist and the Christ minded, Bible loving, holy living Believers. Amen.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger

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