Has God called you to the ministry of preaching or teaching the Word of God? Once a Christian knows God's calling; the next step is know what capacity of ministry they are called to fill. How can one know for sure they are called and to what capacity of ministry?
The foundation of College of The Open Bible is the Word of God, which is the only authority that under girds the curriculum of this institution. We believe the knowledge of the Bible must be the only influence and absolute in the educating process for Christian ministry. We recognize the Holy Spirit as the ultimate Teacher and the Bible as the only authority. A love for the Word of God and a thorough knowledge of it are essential for an effective ministry.
Our vision to bring the gospel to the world is rooted in knowing that Jesus Christ can never be less than who He is... He IS LORD.
Thus, our vision is exalting Jesus Christ
~~ By rightly dividing the Word of truth.
~~ By trusting the Word of God.
~~ By depending on the Holy Spirit
~~ By making disciples for Christ.
~~ By bringing the Gospel to the world.
The Gospel To All The World.
Free Bible Studies & Ministry Resources
Our mission is to provide and foster
academics that are
biblically based by
offering exclusively
sound theology and
missiology education
for the sole purpose of furthering the
gospel of Jesus Christ in the world (Matthew 28:18,20).
It is not our purpose to prepare students for secular endeavors, Thus, it is our mission to provide a means of study that leads the student to depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit so that they may rightly divide the word of truth for an effective ministry of furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ in the world.
The Gospel of Jesus Christ is ground zero for humanity and eternity. The death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the pressing issue between God and humanity.
There is nothing in time or eternity more certain and obvious than what the Lord Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross for humanity.
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