​​​Book of Romans Chapter Four.  

The death of Jesus Christ for our sins was necessary. For we cannot secure the blessing of salvation by virtue of our own righteousness.  Either we receive the GIFT of salvation FREELY, or do without it.  The apostle Paul illustrates this reality when he looks back in history.  Romans chapter four Simply put: Salvation is Christ Crucified; God Satisfied; The Believer Justified.

I. The Means of Salvation - vs.1-8

  • The Example - vs.1-2
  1. The Person - 1 ...For if Abraham were...
  2. The Perplexity - 2 ...whereof to glory; but not before God..
  • The Explanation - vs.3
  1. God's Word - 3a ...For what saith the scripture...
  2. God's Work - 3b-8 ...Abraham believed God...

Note:  God's Work of Forgiveness - 7a ...iniquities are forgiven...
Note:  God's Work of Forgetting - 7b, 8 ...sins are covered...



Book of Romans Chapter Four  continued  

​II. The Meaning of Salvation - vs.9-25

  • Salvation By Grace Not Race - 9, 10
  • Salvation By Faith Not Faithfulness - 11-16

Note The Author of Salvation - 17 ...As it is written, I have made...
Note The Authority of Salvation - 18 ...to that which was spoken...
Note The Authenticity of Salvation - 19,25

  1. The Surety of Faith - 19,20 ..was strong in faith...
  2. The Purity of Faith - 21 ...being fully persuaded...
  3. The Security of Faith - 22,25 ...imputed to him for...

The apostle Paul articulates that salvation by grace is the driving instinct of the Believer and will always stimulate affection for an unswerving love for the Word of God.  

OnlyChristians who acknowledge their hope in Christ will value fervently their faith in God's Word and are committed doers of the Word and cannot be displaced by another kind of usefulness.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger