Book of Romans Chapter Nine  continued  

I.  The Burden Expounded - vs.6-33

  • A Sovereign Choice - How Salvation Would Be Realized...
  1. By The Word Of God - vs.6   ...the word of God...
  2. By The Will Of God - vs.7,8  ...but, In Isaac shall thy seed be called.
  • A Sincere Choice - vs.9-13 

God choice was the result of grace... not man's ability. 

Note verse 11 and how God chose Jacob before his birth.

  1. A Significant Choice - vs.14-18  Note that God's remedy for sinners beginning with the Jew and to all... is mercy.
  2. A Serene Choice - 19-29  Note that God's offer of salvation is to all without any regard of their lot in life.  Despite the fact that man is depraved, he is not deprived of God's goodness.
  3. A Solemn Choice - 30-33   Note how that Israel chose to be saved by keeping the Law, and yet, God still provided His Son, Jesus Christ in a very obvious way that salvation to all would be and has always been by grace through faith alone in Christ Jesus.  You see, it is not the Ten Commandments that save... it is the Tender Commander that saves. We are not led by the letter of the law, but by a better law (Hebrews 8).

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger    



​​​​Book of Romans Chapter Nine.  
Chapter nine provides an intimate perspective of Paul's burden for souls, and in particular, the Jewish people.  In actuality,  Paul's expressed burden is a reflection of God's burden for Israel.  It is a burden that Paul carried with him his entire life as a believer.  His example is more than a story-line... it is in essence: contagious and appropriate. 

For one to follow the Lord Jesus Christ as did the apostle Paul, is to carry the very intent of the cross of Christ... the salvation of sinners for the glory of God.

I.  The Burden Expressed - vs.1-3
A Burden That Is Honest - vs.1  ...I say the truth in Christ...
A Burden Of The Heart - vs.2  ...sorrow in my heart...
A Burden Of Helplessness - vs.3   ...For I wish...  Man Cannot Save Man. 
A Burden To Honor - vs.4-5
To Honor Their Uniqueness - vs.4a   ...Who are Israelites...
To Honor Their Unction - vs.4b  ...their adoption...the glory of God...covenants...the law...promises.
To Honor God's Unflinching Faithfulness - vs.5  ...blessed for ever...  God has never, nor will ever forget His chosen people

