Book of Romans Chapter Sixteen.
Chapter sixteen, the apostle Paul recognizes those who are called and contributing to the ministry of furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ. Whom ever God calls to ministry... they will realize within their heart the sense of divine presence and power and purpose. The Holy presence of God must be considered the only exercise that assures victory over our fear of being used personally by God to further the gospel of Jesus Christ. Any other consideration is certain to abandon us to the wasteland of uselessness.
It is interesting to note a very significant way God blesses us... He involves other believers in our lives to help each of us in furthering the gospel of Christ Jesus. Paul takes note of this as a way of saying: God bless you.
1. A Commended Sister - vs.1,2
Note: She Is A Believer - vs.1 ...Phebe our sister...
Note: She Is Believable - vs.2 ...been a succourer of many...
2. The Committed Saints - vs.3,15
Note: They Are Fearless - vs.3,5
Note: They Are Fruitful - vs.6,7 ...much labor...
Note: They Are Faithful - vs.8,15
> They Trusted The Lord - vs.8,9
> They Were Tested By The Lord - vs.10 ...approved in Christ...
> They Toiled In The Lord - vs.10b-16
Book of Romans Chapter Sixteen: The Conclusion...
1. There Is A Present Danger - vs.17
Note The Danger of Divisions - 17 ...mark them which cause divisions...
Note The Danger of Decisions - 17 ...and offences...
2. There Is A Pressing Danger - vs.18
Note: The Trouble Makers - 18a ...such serve not our Lord...
Note: The Troubling Motive - vs.18b ...but their own belly...
Note: The Troubled Mischief - vs.18e,f
> See Their Deception - 18e ...deceive...
> See The Deceived - 18f ...of the simple...
a. He Praises The Church - vs.19 ...for your obedience...
b. He Prays For The Church - vs.20,27
As you meditate on Paul's prayer, ask God to make you sensitive to His presence. God wants you to realize the relationship you have with Him. There is nothing more refreshing than realizing the presence of God. Only then, will you sense a freedom to be honest with God. This is what we need to make us decisive about the will of God for our lives. Regardless of what your situation is, God will sustain you. Knowing the liberty we have to cast all our cares upon Christ is a matter of biblical fact that compels our obedience to the work of the gospel ministry of Jesus Christ.
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
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