As to the manner of celebrating the incarnation of Christ depends on one's purpose for living. I think it is very obvious that a born-again believer can celebrate the birth of Christ without getting caught up with all the pagan influences. Celebrate the birth of Christ with gratitude that God sent His only begotten Son into this world to be born of a virgin. Don't let the devil hi-jack the true meaning of the birth of Christ from your life.
Every Born-again believer should celebrate the incarnation of Christ. For He was the virgin born Son of God. It is His incarnation that makes the Gospel the power of God unto salvation. For if Jesus was not the virgin born Son of God... then no one can be saved. Use this time of the year to instruct others as to why you honor the incarnation of Christ for the sake of the Gospel.
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
Celebrating Christmas. Biblical or Heretical?
Dear Dr. Arthur Belanger, I am very interested about the sound biblical position on the celebration of Christmas. We know that Christ was not necessarily born in December (very unlikely that he was). Does the Bible command a remembrance of Christ's birth? God Bless you. C. Isberner, Aruba
Answer: The birth of Christ... or the doctrine of the incarnation is significant and essential to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Should a Christian honor/celebrate the birth of Christ? Lets look at actual moments of people in the Bible who actually celebrated the birth/incarnation of Christ.
God Celebrated The Birth of Christ. How?
God the Father eternally impressed His joy of the birth/incarnation of His Son Jesus Christ within the holy scriptures. The incarnation does not end with the four gospels. The apostle Paul under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit opened his letter to the believers in Rome concerning the incarnation of Christ (Romans 1:3) and admits the incarnation is the underlying reason for the power of God unto salvation (Romans 1:4). Paul emphasized this with the church at Galatia (Gal.3:16). And again with Timothy (2 Tim.2:6,9). Note also Hebrews 2:16. Observing the birth of Christ is obvious throughout the New Testament by virtue of teaching it's significance.
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