Be Still and Wait On The Lord. When we attempt to forge ahead of God's timing, we may not reap the full benefits of waiting upon Him. Over and over in scripture, the Lord urges Christians to be still and wait patiently upon Him (Psalm 46:10), and for good reason, too. The Bible teaches that we are engaged by three enemies: the flesh, the world, and Satan who has the capacity for a prolonged and persistent fight against us by using worldly influences and enticing believers to yield to their fleshly inclinations. The primary reason why we neglect waiting on the Lord is our toleration for self-exaltation. The fact is, we cannot overcome what we tolerate.
Because of a lack of discipline to wait upon the Lord, many believers languish through life. Waiting on the Lord is not an alternative... it is an ultimatum. Nothing grieves the Holy Spirit more than our impatience. Our impatience will breed the worse form of regret. It often causes damage that one may never recover from.
Whenever we purposefully experience a season of being still before the Lord, the Holy Spirit seeks to assure us of the presence and purpose of God which instills an immeasurable deep peace; not a natural peace, as the world gives, but the peace of Jesus Christ. When you find yourself face to face with penetrating sorrow and deep despair or temptations, be assured that your hurt and cries are of chief concern at the throne of God (Heb 4:16). Don't mistake your season of sorrow as a mistake from God (Romans 8:28). God wants us to know that He specializes in things thought impossible.
One of the most important facets of the Christian's life is the discipline of waiting upon God. Actually, our greatest exercise as Christians is being still before the Lord. That does not mean the believer should live a passive existence. Rather, it means to deliberately consecrate on listening to the indwelling Holy Spirit. How refreshing it is when we are discerning the will of God in every given circumstance. Rather, it meets with the peace of God that truly exceeds all fear. Amen!
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
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