Epistle of Jude the conclusion

  • The Seriousness Jude Confesses - vs. 22-23

a.  The Soul Winner’s Duty - 22-23b

  1. Exercise Compassion - 22a ...and of some have compassion…
  2. Exercise Commitment - 22b ...pulling them out of the fire

b.  The Soul Winner’s Danger - 23

  1. The Flash - 23a ...hating even the garment
  2. The Flesh - 23b ...spotted by the flesh
  • The Sacredness Jude Possesses - vs. 24-25

a.  For God’s Grace - 24a ...Now unto Him
b.  For God’s Glory - 24b ...before the presence of His glory
c.  For God’s Greatness - 25

  1. The Omniscience of God - 25a ...to the only wise God
  2. The Omnipotence of God - 25b ...dominion...and power
  3. The Omnipresence of God - 25c,d:

> The Supreme God of Today - 25c ...both now
> The Sole God Of Tomorrow - 25d ...and ever. Amen

Is God requiring you to do or endure something, and yet you remain reluctant to trust Him?  If so, honor Him by trusting His Word. Ask God to make you sensitive to His presence. God wants you to realize the relationship you have with Him. There is nothing more refreshing than realizing the presence of God. Only then, will you sense a freedom to be honest with God. This is what you need to make you decisive about  the will of God for your life. Regardless of what your situation is, God will sustain you. Knowing the liberty we have to cast all our cares upon Christ is a matter of biblical fact that compels our obedience to the Holy Spirit.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger   





​​​Epistle of Jude verses 20 to 25  Reposing The Believer
Jude concludes his epistle by reposing the believer.  That is, take rest in Jesus Christ.  

Example:   at first, the responsibility seemed reasonable enough. However, as the reality of Moses' death grew, Joshua be came all aware of his own inadequacies.   He may have given up had it not been for the word of encouragement God gave him (Joshua 1:2). You are never alone in the decisions you face. Christ is with you.  God's will for your life will always have the believer obviously different from the world.  Jude is very careful to remind us of this matter and encourages us to rest in Christ.

  • The Saints Jude Addresses- vs. 20
    a.  They Are Called Beloved - 20a ...But ye, beloved
    b.  They Are Called To Believe - 20b ...your most holy faith...

  • The Supplication Jude Stresses - vs. 20c  ...praying in the Holy Ghost...
  • The Steps Jude Impresses - vs. 21

a.  The Pace To Keep - 21a ...Keep yourselves in the love of God.
b.  The Grace To Reap - 21b ...looking for the mercy...of our Lord.