Fullness of The Holy Spirit - The Evidence? 

The ultimate evidence that one is yielded to the Holy Spirit is a persistent exercise of being honest and pure in motive and method (1 Peter 1:22).  No Christian can be pure and honest by simply submitting to regulations. It requires transformation (Romans 12: 1,2). God not only changed our human nature at salvation... He changed our heredity... thus, making the work of sanctification by the Holy Spirit a reality.

The clear evidence that a Believer is led by the Holy Spirit will be evidenced by a decisive act of trust characterized by willful obedience to the will of God based on sound knowledge of God's Word.  Obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ is born and enabled only by the grace of God exacted by the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). Obedience is not impulsive boldness as with Peter who walked on water and yet followed Christ from a distance on dry ground. More often than not, it is our pride and/or human instincts or peer pressure that motivate us to survive the difficult and unusual moments. Obedience to the will of God must not be viewed as an alternative or optional. The most dangerous challenge and liability to obeying God is our good intentions (Proverbs 3:5,6). It takes the grace of God to become instinctively obedient in a manner that is consistent and confident in the ordinary routines of life afforded us.





  • The Holy Spirit and The Bible

​​The highway of reality is the Bible. The Holy Spirit will never direct us contrary to the Word of God. Thus the fundamental concern for the believer is to understand the Word of God as the only means for direction. The Bible is the only resolve that instills a pure ambition for the glory of God.  Glorifying God is the pinnacle of Christianity.

Our advantage as Christians in this world that is deliberately hostile to Christ is not in doing a great work for God... it is God working in us (Ephesians 3:20). When we are yielded to the Holy Ghost, honesty and purity will triumph over the inclination for self-vindication and preservation and demonstrate the very life and likeness of Jesus Christ.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger