Epistle of First Peter Five...  Continued...

II.  The Rule For Christian Living - vs.5-11

  • The Command of A Submissive Live - vs,5-6 ...submit...
  • The Commitment of A Secured Life - vs.7 ...he careth for you.
  • The Concern For A Sober Life - vs.8       

1.  The Duty of Saints - vs.8a,b

Note:  Stay Alert - vs.8a   ...Be sober...
Note:  Stay Alarmed - vs.8b   ...be vigilant...

2.  The Danger of Satan - vs.8c,f

Note:  Satan's Personality - vs.8c   ...your adversary...
Note:  Satan's Power - vs.8d  ...as a roaring lion...
Note:  Satan's Pursuit - vs.8e   ...walketh about, seeking...
Note:  Satan's Purpose - vs.8f   ...whom he may devour...

  • The Courage of A Steadfast Life - vs.9 ...steadfast in the faith.
  • The Course of A Successful Life - vs.10

1. Starts With The Person of Grace - vs.10a ...the God of grace.

2. Stays With The Purpose of Grace - vs.10b  ...make you perfect...
3. Sings The Praise of God - vs.11      

Note:  For His Eternal Preeminence - vs.11a  ...To Him be glory...

Note: For His Eternal Prominence - vs.11b   ...dominion forever..

III.  The Reward Of Christian Loyalty - vs.12-14

  • Peter Commends A Christian - vs.12a  ...By Silvanus, a faithful brother unto you...
  • Peter Confirms The Christians - vs.12b-d

1.  By Writing - vs.12b   ...I have written...
2.  By Warning - vs.12c   ...exhorting...
3.  By Witnessing - vs.12d   ...and testify... the true grace of God.

  • Peter Comforts The Christians - vs.13-14

1. With A Personal Benediction - vs.13
2. With A Peaceful Benediction - vs.14

God's ministers are possessed with a personal distain for self-preservation (Gal. 6:7,8).  They know to live is Christ, and to die is gain.  God's preacher wants every sinner saved and every saint sanctified.  They are swayed by the pressing work of the Holy Spirit for exclusive allegiance unto Christ and sound biblical teaching.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger





​​​​Epistle of First Peter Chapter Five.   The role of Christians and their capacity of ministry is key to Peter's conclusion of his first epistle as he introduces the responsibilities of elders.  He emphasizes that God will honor their leadership with a crown of glory. 

The summation of Peter's first epistle can be summed up with one statement:  NO REGRETS.

I.  The Role Of Christian Leadership - vs.1-4

  • The Exhortation To Christian Leaders - vs.1
  1. Exhort By Example - vs.1a   ...who am also an elder...
  2. Exhort By Experience - vs.1b   ...a witness of the sufferings of Christ...
  • The Expectation Of Christian Leaders - vs.2-3 

1.  They Are To Shepherd The Flock - vs.2. ...feed the flock...

Note:  It Is The Lord's Flock - vs.2a   ...flock of God...

Note:  It Is A Local Flock - vs.2b   ...which is among you...
2.  They Are To Supervise The Flock - vs.2c-3
Note: They Must Have The Right Motive - vs.2c   ...not by constraint, but willingly, not for filthy lucre...
Note:  They Must Have A Ready Mind - vs.2d   ...but of a ready mind
Note:  They Must Be A Real Model - vs.3  ...being ensamples to the flock.

  • The Example For Christian Leaders - vs.4

1.  The Christ of Glory - vs.4a   ...the chief Shepherd...

2.  The Christ Of Grace - vs.4b   ...ye shall receive.