God's Will With Limitations.
It wasn't until king David reached the limit of his emotional despair; as he was facing the loss of his family and death by mutiny, that he returned to the Lord. Just when time was running out, David repented, recalled how God had blessed him in the past, refocused his attention to God's power, remembered God's promises, and resolved to trust God. He simply made up his mind that he would follow and obey the Lord whatever the cost in the present. The limits that God placed on king David literally saved his life.
It is when Christians respect the limitations God places before them, that they will resolve to answer God's will as did Gideon, David, Hannah and many others; to surrender their will and fears; and then make a determination to go through whatever pressure God has permitted. Surrendering all that you have and all that you are to Him... you will take great pleasure in knowing that God's grace is sufficient.
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
God Limiting Christians. Why? Limitations are a matter of reality. It has always been God's will to place limits on individuals. Many are limited in their physical abilities. Others may face financial, mental and emotional limitations. Discerning believers understand the importance of respecting the limits that God applies to each of us. Yet, there are many Christians in a state of complaining about limitations that seem to restrict their desires and dreams. Even when parents wisely place limits on their own children, they often hear murmurings due to the limits placed upon them. Yet, limitations are a matter of necessity.
The harsh reality to our complaining about the limits God has placed on us is that we have not confessed and truly repented, or turned away from bad management within our limitations. Tragically, many of us have been seduced and poisoned with unrealistic expectations. The limitations we experience is God's way of working on our behalf in ways that are beyond our control and understanding. This was certainly the case for Gideon in the face of intense opposition (Judges 6). Gideon learned that his limitations do not limit God.
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