Hymn History: He Keeps Me Singing.
A Methodist preacher by the name of Luther Bridges, was born in 1884, he married Sarah Veatch and three lovely sons were born of their union. Pastor Bridges accepted an invitation to minister at a conference in Kentucky in the year 1910, so he left his family in the care of his father-in-law and made the trip to Kentucky. There, two wonderful weeks of ministry resulted. The last service closed with great joy and he was excited to be called to the telephone. He couldn't wait to tell his wife about all the blessings.
But it wasn't her voice on that long distance
line. He listened in silence to the news that
a fire had burned down the house of his
father-in-law and his wife and all three of
his sons had died in the blaze.
That distraught father leaned heavily
on His Savior and expressed his faith in
God during a tearful moment by penning this precious hymn.
There's within my heart a melody
Jesus whispers sweet and low,
Fear not, I am with thee, peace,
be still, In all of lifes ebb and flow.
All my life was wrecked by sin and strife,
Discord filled my heart with pain,
Jesus swept across the broken strings,
Stirred the slumbering chords again.
Feasting on the riches of His grace,
Resting beneath His sheltering wing,
Always looking on His smiling face,
That is why I shout and sing.
Though sometimes He leads through waters deep,
Trials fall across the way,
Though sometimes the path seems rough and steep,
See His footprints all the way.
Soon He's coming back to welcome me,
Far beyond the starry sky;
I shall wing my flight to worlds unknown,
I shall reign with Him on high.
Chorus: Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, Sweetest Name I know,
Fills my every longing, Keeps me singing as I go.
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