The Judgment Seat of Christ.
The Judgment Seat of Christ will be a place and time of revealing. As we live an d work here in this life, it is relatively easy for us to hide things and pretend; but the true character of our works and motives will be exposed before the searching eyes of the Savior.
Jesus Christ makes Himself the test to determine our genuineness. The life of Christ is the only standard acceptable with God the Father. The only critical discipline of the Christian life is to yield to the Holy Spirit to bring us to absolute conformity to the likeness of Jesus Christ. Why? There is nothing else that can endure the judgment of God.
The Judgment Seat of Christ... When and where will it happen? Who will the participants be? What is the purpose of this very intimate moment when believers will look into the eyes of Jesus Christ in judgment?
Watch Dr. Arthur Belanger teach on the Judgment Seat Of Christ.
Christians Will Be Judged. When, Where and Why?
a. Jesus Christ - Romans 14:10,12
b. The Christians - These will be believers who make up the body of Christ/The Church. (1 Corinthians 3)
c. God The Father - Romans 14:12
The purpose is to reward faithful and fruitful Servants. Note: We will not be judged for our sins. Jesus bore our sins at the cross. At the cross Jesus was judged for our sins.
At the Judgment Seat of Christ, we will be judged for the following:
a. Our behavior not our belonging
b. Our stewardship not our son-ship
c. Our works not our worth
d. Our faithfulness not our faith
e. Our communion not our union
f. Our adapting not our adoption
g. Our relating not our relationship
a. The incorruptible crown - Given to those who master the old nature. 1 Cor. 9:25,27
b. The crown of rejoicing - Given to soul winners (1 Thess. 2:19,20)
c. The crown of life - Given to those who successfully endure temptation. Rev. 2:10
d. The crown of righteousness - Given to those who especially love the doctrine of the Rapture. 2 Tim. 4:8
e. The crown of glory - given to faithful preachers and teachers (1 Peter 5:2,4; 2 Tim. 4:1,2).
The single greatest achievement of any Christian is bringing glory to Jesus Christ.
Dr. Arthur Belanger
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