God predetermined that salvation would be by grace through faith in Christ crucified alone.   Thus, all are afforded the opportunity to be saved (Titus 2:11).   God never predestined that people would go to hell (2 Peter 3:9).  As a matter of fact, hell was purposefully and exclusively prepared for Satan and his angels (Mat 25:41).  While it is both true and tragic that people are going to hell... they do so at their own choosing.   God has purposed that people would be born to be born again (1 Tim 2:4). This required God's offer of salvation and man's responsibility to receive God's gift of eternal life by faith. God will never save anyone without their consent (John 1:12).

  • The Biblical Perspective of Predestination 

Predestination has to do with more than just going to heaven. God has predestined that all who would believe on the Lord Jesus Christ would be conformed to the image of Christ(Romans 8:29).   It is to every Christians advantage to grow in the likeness of Christ.   Life eternal and internal do not exist apart from Jesus Christ (John 15:1,5). The biblical perspective of God's work of predestination unto salvation is that God achieved it for us so that we can freely choose to receive it by faith (Ephesians 2:8,9).

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger




1-(864) 607-5200

​​Does God Choose Who Will Be Saved?

Has God predetermined who will or will not go to heaven?The term predestinate in the context of salvation literally means,  knowing  who to choose or own before the beneficiary's decision will be made in agreement with the call to salvation. God who is omniscient already knew in eternity past who would  respond  in agreement  with  His  offer  of  eternal  life through Christ Jesus by faith (Ephesians 1:3,12).