• Four Obsessions - vs.7,9

1.  Fear The Lord - vs.7  ...The fear of the Lord...
2.  Hear Your Father - vs.8a  ...hear the instructions of thy father...
3.  Dear To Your Mother - vs.8b   ...forsake not the law of thy mother...
4.  Wear The Word Of God - vs.9 - See also Ephesians 6:13,17

  • IV.  Four Obstacles - vs.10-19

1.  The Enemy - 10a  ...if sinners... Note Psalm 1:1
2.  The Enticement - 10b, 11   ...entice thee...if they say...
3. The Entanglement - vs.12,14  Greed is the ultimate entanglement.  See 1 Timothy 3:3; Titus 1:7, 1 Peter 5:7
4.  The Enslavement - vs.15,19  Note the false security - sanity - serenity &  surety.

  • Four Objections - vs.20-32

1.  Lovers Of Self - Object To Examination - vs.20,23  
2.  Livers For Self  -  Object To Salvation - vs.24,25
3.  Dying Because Of Self - They Object To Their Desolation - vs.26,29
4.  Died Because Of Self - They Object Eternal Damnation - vs.30,33

Godly wisdom compels patience.  When we attempt to forge ahead of God's timing, we may not reap the full benefits of waiting upon Him.  Over and over in Scripture, the Lord urges us to wait upon Him (Psalm 46:10), and for good reason, too. The Bible teaches that we are engaged by three enemies: the flesh, the world, and Satan who works against us through the other two entities.  

Because of a lack of wisdom, many believers languish through life. Waiting on the Lord is not an alternative... it is an ultimatum. Nothing grieves the Holy Spirit more than our impatience.

Dr. Arthur Belanger     

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Book of Proverbs Chapter One.  There will be episodes in our routine of living when difficult decisions must be considered and perhaps, acted on.  It  may be in moments that are extremely critical and time-sensitive and sometimes they are not. But one thing we want to be certain of is this: are we listening to God personally and biblically?

How can we know for sure that we are listening to God? The answer is actually quite simple: Just listen to what you are asking for.  If you find yourself asking for the wisdom of God; you are listening to God.  Chapter one provokes serious thinking about one's priority in life for life.  Wisdom is key.

  • Four Observations - vs.1

1.  Valid - Wisdom must be from above.  See 1 Kings 3:12a, James 3:17
2.  Valiant - Wisdom must show itself above all.  1 Kings 3:12,13
3.  Valued - Wisdom must be valued above all.  1 Kings 3:15a; 3:13; 4:17; 8:11; 11:16
4.  Valor - Wisdom must put you above all.  1 Kings 3:16,28
The  fact  that Solomon identifies himself as the son of king David demonstrates his acknowledgement of God's rule and role.  Verse one is a powerful and wise statement... there is much to be said about one's associations.

  • Four Objectives - vs.2,6

1.  Know Wisdom - vs.2a  ...To know wisdom...
2. Grow In Wisdom - vs.2b ...to perceive the words of understanding...
3.  Stow Wisdom - vs.3   ...To receive the instruction of wisdom...
4.  Show Wisdom - vs.4,6 ...To give...

The Objective Results:  vs.5,6:  To give yourself to:  

     a. Listen - 5a

     b. Learning - 5b

     c. Leaning - 6a 

     d. Legitimacy - 6b