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Book of Revelation Chapter Fourteen continued...
a. The First Angels's Message - vs.6,7
1. His Reach Is Universal - vs.6 every nation, and kindred, and tongue, and people...
2. His Preaching Is An Ultimatum ...vs.7 ...Fear God...
b. The Second Angel's Message - vs.8
1. Destruction Is Indisputable - vs.8a ...Babylon is fallen...
2. Destruction Is Immeasurable - vs.8b ...that great city...
c. The Third Angel's Message - vs.9-12
a. It Is Aggressive - vs.9a ...saying with a loud voice...
b. It Is Depressive - vs.9b,11 ...tormented with fire and brimstone.
Note: Those Who Believe A Liar - vs.9b ...If any man worship the beast and his image...
Note: Those Who Receive A Lie - vs.9b ...receive the mark in his forehead...
c. It Is Impressive - vs.12,13
Note: For Those Who Behaved Godly - vs.12 ...that keep the commandments of God...
Note: For Those Who Believed God - vs.13a ...Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord...
1. They Are Reassured - vs.13b. ...they may rest from their labors... Never Forsakened.
2. They Are Rewarded - vs.13c ...their works do follow them... Never Forgotten.
a. The Judge - vs.14,15 ...the Son of man...
b. The Judged - vs.16,19 ...and the earth was reaped...
c. The Judgment - vs.20 ...blood came out of the winepress...
All of the events during the Great Tribulation will gravitate to this decisive and grave moment when Jesus Christ returns and defeats and destroys the enemy.
Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger
The Book of Revelation Chapter Fourteen
Chapter fourteen gives a preview of Armageddon, when Jesus Christ will return victoriously to the earth and utterly destroy his enemies. The emphasis placed on the everlasting gospel (Good News), that Jesus Christ will win and the Beast will be destroyed and judged and that the Christ' will reign on earth.
This message of the everlasitng gospel is delivered by angels... thus, they are not preaching the first coming of Christ at Calvary, but the second coming of Christ in triumph. Now that is Good News!
a. They Are Morally Sanctified - vs.4a ...not defiled with women...
b. They Are Mentally Sanctified - vs.4b ...These are they which follow the Lamb withersover he goeth.
c. They Are Spiritually Sanctified - vs.5 ...for they are without fault before the throne of God.
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