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Book of Revelation Chapter Six  continued...

II.  The Second Seal - War - vs,3,4   ...to take peace on earth...

III.  The Third Seal - Famine - vs.5,6  

The third horse will bring a time of great penetrating famine.  The terror of balances represent rationing.  People are going to be without the essentials of life.   Wholesale starvation is going to take over because famine invariably follows war.  A measure of wheat is what it takes to make one meal.  A penny or denari, was one day's wages.  So literally, what is meant is that a man would have to work all day just to get enough food for one meal.  It will be a time of perpetual hunger.

IV.  The Fourth Seal - Death - vs.7,8  A quarter of the world's population will be snatched by the jaws of death and their souls reserved in hell for judgment.

V.  The Fifth Seal - Martyrdom -  vs.9,11  Many Believers during this time period are martyred for the Word of God and the Work of God - vs.9

VI.  The Sixth Seal - Natural Disasters - vs.12-14  The earth and the heavenly bodies will go into convulsions.

The purpose and pursuit of the Great Tribulation is to exact judgment on the unbelievers and their hostile rejection of Jesus Christ.   The Great Tribulation will commence with the Rapture of the Church. Simply put, the Tribulation could very well start NOW!

The only answer to the consequence of sin (death/separation from God) is salvation by grace through faith in Jesus Christ.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger

The Book of Revelation Chapter Six  

Chapter six literally represents the beginning of the end.  The Lamb, who is  worthy, opens the first six seals.  of which, all signify God's judgment upon the earth.  The Great Tribulation is officially underway. The rapture has happened with the removal of the Church. 

There is nothing man can do to save himself. Revelation 18 & 19 suggest they do try to save themselves by virtue of Religion (ch. 17) and Riches (ch.18). The destruction will be so unimaginably intense that false religion and riches become meaningless. The great battle of Armageddon will be the culmination of this grave destruction.

  • The Duration of The Great Tribulation:
  1. Period One:  42 Months (First 3 1/2 years) Chapters 6-9
  2. Period Two:  Middle Of The Tribulation. Chapters 10-14. The Antichrist breaks his covenant with Israel.
  3. Period Three:  42 Months (Last 3 1/2 years) Chapters 15-19

I.  The First Seal - Conquest - vs.1,2  Worldwide conquest by the Antichrist.   Note his tools for conquest:

  • He Is Revealed - vs.2a   ...he that sat...
  • He Is Revered - vs.2b   ...a crown was given...  

Notice why he is revered:
1.  He's an Intellectual genius (Daniel 8:23)
2.  He's an Inspirational genius (Daniel 11:36)
3.  He's an Influential genius (Revelation 17:11)
4.  He's an Industrious genius (Daniel 11:43; Revelation 13:16,17)
5.  He's an Intimidating genius (Revelation 13:1,2)
6.  He's an Intruding genius (2 Thessalonians 2:4; 1 Peter 5:8)
7.  He's an Inventional genius (Revelation 13:14,15)

  • He Is Revolutionary - vs.2c  ...he went forth conquering...