​​​A Witness of Jesus Christ.    In simple terms, witnessing or ministering the gospel means introducing others  to Jesus Christ and the glorious reality that CHRIST JESUS is LORD and the SAVIOR. This is known as evangelism and is the responsibility of all Christians.   It is the work of the Holy Spirit reaching out through believers to win others to repentance from their sin of unbelief and accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.

Undoubtedly, the greatest damage to the gospel of Jesus Christ is our silence.  Yet, we have the greatest story ever presented to humanity... because it's true. 

Note: Witnessing is not something we merely do, it is what we are. (Acts 1:8; 2 Cor 3:2; Mt. 5:14).The key to effective witnessing can only be realized in Christ-like compassion which is the key that opens the ears and hearts of unbelievers.   Witnessing should never be employed as a mechanism that provokes anger and fuels resistance to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

First:  Overcoming the fear to witness effectively, starts with examining our motive. The motive to glorify God cannot be easily discouraged or defeated.  Actually, most Christians eventually faint when it comes to witnessing due to a motive that conflicts with the will of God.   

Secondly, Possessing the Right Means.  A wise Christian wants to be a witness that produces fruit (Prov. 11:30). This requires the right means. We must absolutely depend on the Holy Spirit (Lk. 24:48-49).   It is He Who does the work of convicting and conversion. Why is this so essential? The Holy Spirit is able to convict of sin (Jn. 16:8-11), and convey the Truth (16:13), and He alone can convert the unbeliever (Jn. 3:5-8, Titus 3:5-7).

We must depend on the authority of the Word of God exclusively.   From God's Word, we learn what to say, and how to say what needs to be said. The Christian can learn from obvious examples of evangelism in the Scriptures.

  • The needs for Christian to witness effectively. 

1. A Life surrendered to Christ (Luke 9:23). 
2. A Spirit-filled life (Eph. 5:18). 
3. Bible knowledge (2 Tim. 2:15). 
4. A Prayer life; believing prayer. 
5. Faith, and Concern for lost souls. 



  • The Bible provides good pointers: 

1. Deal with your own age and gender if possible. 
2. Be gentle, wise, clear, polite, uncompromising. Don't argue. 
3. Seek and pray for opportunities, and use them. 
4. Rely on the Lord; keep silently praying for His guidance. 
5. Work with love and perseverance. 
6. Lead directly to a definite acceptance of Christ. 

  • What Methods can we employ? 

Witnessing can be done through literature, crusade, Radio, open air, door-to-door, special meetings, stickers, tracts, friendship, personal. 

Friendship Evangelism is very effective (Matt. 5:16, 1 Pet. 2:12) Be careful to present an appearance and apparel that is not offensive. Always show love and kindness. Be a conscientious worker. People will naturally observe... What we are, What we do, and What we say.  Note Christ's example, John 4:7-30. Be willing and ready to... contact, communicate, relate and being relevant.  It is essential that a believer is believable about the Gospel.

The Most Important Aspect Of Witnessing is Your Message. What is the message when witnessing? It is dogmatically presenting Christ as the ONLY answer to: man's sin, death, and eternal life. The most important aspect of witnessing is presenting CHRIST AS THE ULTIMATUM, NOT AN ALTERNATIVE. 

  • Having A Biblical Plan

Have a chronological plan in presenting the Scriptures. Remember, It is by God's Word only that one can be saved. (Rom.10:17)

  • A Chronological Example: 

Rom. 3:23. Man's Need. 
Rom. 6:23. Sin's Penalty. 
Rom. 5:8. God's Provision. 
Rom. 10:9,10. Man's Response. 
Rom. 10:13, God's Response. 

THERE IS ONLY ONE THING THAT IS EQUALLY IMPORTANT IN GOING TO HEAVEN... THAT'S BRINGING ANOTHER SOUL WITH YOU.   It would also be wise to prayerfully consider enrolling for  Bible seminary.   College of The Open Bible provides education and academics that will equip a believer to be rooted and grounded in God's Word for an effective ministry.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger   

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