- Biblical Theology - Track I
Our biblical theology concentration emphasizes the Bible as your prim ary textbook and the Holy Spirit as the guiding influence. You will find yourself becoming more deeply rooted and grounded in God's Word by rightly dividing the word of truth.
If God has called you to teach or preach the Word of God, you will find these courses to be very helpful in sharpening your effectiveness to minister the Word of God. Has God called you to preach or teach the Word of God? Be sure - CLICK HERE.
The courses noted are applicable to diploma, undergraduate and graduate degree programs. For a syllabus on either program, please call 1-864-607-5200.
- Bi-426 - eq SH2: Revelation - This course is a study of the book of Revelation involving things to come. Careful attention is given to both its historical setting and prophecy.
- Bi-428 - eq SH2: General Epistles - This is a study of James, I, II, and III John; I & II Peter and Jude. Special attention is given to the occasion of the writing, the development and theme of each book, as well as the message.
- Bi-429 - eq SH2: Hebrews - A practical study of the historical setting, the author, his message and the theme of the book are presented.
- Bi-431 - eq SH3: Poetic Books - This course allows the student to review the poetic literature: Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. Attention is given to their theme and message.
- Bi-432 - eq SH3: Heart of the New Testament - This course relates to the times of Christ and provides a background of information to enlighten the student’s understanding when studying the New Testament Scriptures.
- Bi-433 - eq SH3: The Life & Ministry of the Apostle Paul - The primary concern of this course is to portray the life of the apostle Paul, providing an understanding of his teaching, and his work.
- Bi-522 - eq SH2: Genesis - This is an in-depth study of the book of Genesis in regards to its author, theme, and message.
- Bi-523 - eq SH2: Hebrews - An exposition of the book of Hebrews is conducted at an (eq) Master’s level, allowing the student to consider the authorship, historical background, its relationship to the Old Testament and special problems.
- Bi-531 - eq SH3: The Life of Christ - An in-depth study is made of the life of Christ, His words, and works from the point of view that He is the preexistent Son of God. The events are traced from His lowly birth to His glorious ascension.
- Bi-532 - eq SH3: Mosaic Writings - This course is an advanced and in-depth study of the Pentateuch.
- Bi-533 - eq SH3: Romans - An exposition of the book of Romans is conducted allowing the student not only to study about the author and purpose, but explore the doctrinal truths as found in the book.
- Bi-534 - SH3: The Gospel of John - This course allows the student to do an exposition of the Gospel according to John. A study is made of the author, its purpose, its message and doctrinal truths. This is taught on an advanced level and is very in-depth.
- Bi-536 - eq SH3: Typology - This course is a thorough examination of typology, not only as a biblical and theological subject, but also a study of the connection with all Christian doctrine.
- Bi-537 - eq SH3: Isaiah - An in-depth study of Isaiah is presented. Isaiah has been called the Gospel of the Old Testament. Also a practical study of the historical setting, the author, his message and the theme of the book are expounded.
- Bi-633 - eq SH3: Expositional Methods - This course is a prerequisite to taking any of the Expositional Bible studies offered. The student is exposed to the expository method of preaching and teaching. The methods in this course will aid the student in completing courses in Biblical Exposition. These course are as follows:
Bi-634 - eq SH3: Genesis - Deuteronomy
Bi-635 - eq SH3: Joshua - II Kings
Bi-636 - eq SH3: I Chronicles - Esther
Bi-637 - eq SH2: Job - Ecclesiastes
Bi-638 - eq SH3: Isaiah - Ezekiel
Bi-639 - eq SH3: Daniel - Malachi
Bi-731 - eq SH3: Matthew - Mark
Bi-732 - eq SH3: Luke - John
Bi-733 - eq SH3: Acts, James, Galatians, & Philippians
Bi-734 - eq SH3: Romans, I & II Corinthians
Bi-735 -eq SH3: Ephesians, Colossians, I & II Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, I, II, III John
Bi-736 - eq SH3: I & II Thessalonians, I & II Peter, Jude & Revelation.
- Ph.122 - eq SH2: Beginning Hermeneutics allows the student to explore the methods of Biblical interpretation. A very needful course for the student who intends to rightly understand the Bible.
- Ph.331 - eq SH3: The Cults - This course is a survey of what the cults believe and a survey of their history.
- Ph.322 - eq SH3: Apologetics - This course is a study of the defense of the Holy Scriptures with the approach to help the student to defend the Faith.
- Ph.533 - eq SH3: Advanced Hermeneutics
- This course is a study of the underlying principles of Biblical interpretation. This course deals with the methods of interpreting the Scriptures. It is the pursuit of wisdom and knowledge of rightly dividing the Word of Truth.
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