• Courses & Degrees...

College of The Open Bible offers both undergraduate and graduate degrees.  If your interest is an earned degree or diploma, our registrar office can assist you in selecting the appropriate program.   If you are not sure where to begin, then call for assistance.  An adviser will assist you as you seek to discern God's will for your studies and goal.  Call 1-(864) 607-5200.

Take a moment to view from each track below,  a comprehensive description of each course offered.  If you sense that God is leading you to become more deeply rooted and grounded in the scriptures; then track I (Biblical Theology) is where you will want to begin.  Each study emphasizes the importance of rightly dividing the word of truth.

If God has called you to ministry... then track II (Ministry Application) is where you will want to begin.  The ministry application provides a strong biblical perspective on essential areas of ministry and is designed to encourage the student to become even more effective in the area of ministry; especially when opportunity to teach or preach God's Word is afforded. Concentrations in ministry study will also include theology application.

  • Biblical Theology - Track I

Our theology track provides an exhaustive exposition beginning with Genesis and continuing through Revelation.  Emphasizing the biblical principle of rightly dividing the word of truth.

  1. Bible Theology Concentration
  2. Theology Proper Concentration
  • Ministry Application - Track II

For those called to ministry will find our missiology track to be the academics they need to equip them for an effective ministry emphasizing a strong biblical perspective of ministry. 

  1. Pastoral Ministry Concentration
  2. Biblical Counseling Concentration
  3. Missiology And Evangelism Concentration

Should you have any further questions concerning the Open Bible Institute and Theological Seminary, please feel free to call us. We want to provide you with all the assistance and information that you will need to make an informed decision.  May God bless your desire to study the Word of God is our prayer for you.​​

  • Enrollment Application: