• Th-633 - eq  SH3: Incarnational Christology  
    The purpose of this study seeks to present the basic orthodox interpretation of the person of Christ: His deity, His preexistence, His virgin birth, His role in salvation, etc.

  • Th-721 - eq SH2: Prolegomena, Bibliology, Theology
    The purpose of this course in systematic theology is to provide the student with an in-depth study of the different types of theology and the major divisions of theology. This is an exciting study!

  • Th-723 - eq SH2: Soteriology
    The purpose of this course is to give the student a full and comprehensive understanding of Soteriology, that is salvation, as it relates to the person and work of Jesus Christ.

  • Th-724 - eq SH2 Ecclesiology, Eschatology
    The first is a study of the church and then a study of things to come. This is a very advanced study and not for novices.

  • Th-725 - eq SH2: Christology
    The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an in-depth study on the preexistence of Jesus the Son of God, and His deity, incarnation, the hypostatic union, and God the Holy Spirit.

  • Th-726 - eq SH2: Pneumatology
    The purpose of this course is to provide the student with an in-depth study of the Holy Spirit.

  • Th-761 - eq SH6: Thesis
    The purpose of the thesis is to allow the student ot develop his or her ability to do research and present this research in a systematic, logical and comprehensive manner. The student is required to research an area of Theology and present a thesis of no less than 20,000 words.

If God has called you to teach or preach the Word of God, you will find these courses to be very helpful in sharpening your effectiveness to minister the Word of God.   Has God called you to preach or teach the Word of God?  Be sure - CLICK HERE.

​The courses noted are applicable to diploma, undergraduate and graduate degree programs.  For a syllabus on either program, please call 1-864-607-5200.

  • Enrollment Application: 
  • Theology Proper Concentration

Our  theology  proper  concentration  emphasizes the importance of  sound Bible doctrine rooted in rightly dividing the word of truth.  Systematic theology approaches the study of the Bible in a very structured and comprehensive manner with a strong emphasis to becoming sound and grounded in Bible doctrine.   ​​

  • Th-221 - eq SH6: Bible Doctrine I - This is a study of the Doctrine of Salvation, The Bible, and the Church. Focusing on the foundational truths related to each doctrine.
  • Th-222 - eq SH16 - Bible Doctrine II - This is a study of the doctrine of the Trinity, Satan, Angels, Man, and Sin. Focusing on the foundational truths related to each doctrine.
  • Th-331 - eq SH3: General Theology I - This approach to Theology seeks to simplify doctrinal concepts and presents them in a readily understandable form as they are set forth in the Scriptures. The student will study the meaning and purpose of theology, Bibliology, theology proper, Christology, and Pneumatology.
  • Th-332 - eq SH3: General Theology II - This course is a continuation of Th-331 and presents a study of Anthropology, Hamartiology, Soteriology, Ecclesiology, Angelology, and Eschatology.
  • Th-421 - eq SH2: Law & Grace - The aim of this course is to lead the student into an understanding of the basic principles of law and grace and what it means to be under grace rather than law.
  • Th-422 - eq SH2: The Holy Spirit - This course is a study of the personality, the deity, the characteristics, and the names of the Holy Spirit. This study also looks into the work of the Holy Spirit in relation to the world, as well as the believer.
  • Th-532 - eq SH3 Dispensationalism - This course is an in-depth study of the doctrine of God’s plan of the ages. It allows the student to see God’s plan at work during the period of time from creation until the end of the age.
  • Th-533 - eq SH3: Christian Theology - This is a comprehensive, thorough and scholarly approach to the study of theology. 
  • Th-535 - eq SH3: Eschatology - Biblical Eschatology is a study of things to come. It consist of a study of methods of interpretation of the various Biblical covenants, the course of this present age, the different tribulation theories, the Second Advent of Christ, the judgments, as well as the millennial reign of Christ and the new heaven and earth.