If God has called you to teach or preach the Word of God, you will find these courses to be very helpful in sharpening your effectiveness as a pastor to minister the Word of God.   Has God called you to preach or teach the Word of God?  Be sure CLICK HERE.

​The courses noted are applicable to diploma, undergraduate and graduate degree programs.  For a syllabus on either program, please call 1-864-607-5200.

  • Pm-121 - eq SH2: Pastoral Research and Writing
    The student is required to research the biographies of great men, pastors or missionaries who have contributed to the work of the gospel ministry, such as D.L. Moody or Billy Sunday. The professor will assign the research books. This is a required course.

  • Pm-221 - eq SH2: Pastoral Ministry
    This course is an introduction to the pastoral ministry, which surveys the various aspects of the pastor’s work. It covers areas of practical knowledge needed by every pastor.

  • Pm-222 - eq SH2: The Pastor and His Mission
    This course approaches the minister’s work, his preaching, his personal life, and his relation to society.

  • Pm-223 - eq SH2: Beginning Homiletics
    A study of sermon preparation relating to the arrangement, introduction, body and conclusion of various types of sermons: textual, topical, expository, and doctrinal.

  • Pm-224 - eq SH2: Pastoral Administration
    This course deals with the purpose and objectives of a Church as well as its plans and organization.

  • Pm-226 - eq SH2: Church Organization
    A study of the technique of a working, organized church.

  • Pm-321 - eq SH2: Bible Music
    This course is a study of music and musical instruments found in the Bible. Students will look at its history and usage.

  • Pm-322 - eq SH2: Church Music
    This course is offered to aid the student in directing church music and setting up a vital music program in the local church.

  • Pm-331 - eq SH3: Practical Pastoring
    This course is designed to help the ministerial student to effectively minister to his congregation.

  • Pm-422 - eq SH2: The Art of Preaching
    This course is a study in homiletics and is designed to look at the art of preaching and preparing to preach.

  • Pm-431 - eq SH3: Church Administration
    This is a study of the officers and duties of the local church.

  • Pm-432 - eq SH3: Homiletics
    This is an advanced course in homiletics and is designed to aid the student in sermon preparation.

  • Pm-433 - eq SH3: Church Leadership
    A course designed to help the student understand the theological foundation and Biblical principles of church leadership.

  • Pm-434 - eq SH3: Pastoral Counseling
    A course designed to explore the area of pastoral counseling using a theological foundation and Biblical principles.

  • Pm-531 - eq SH3: Church Ministry
    This course is designed to prepare the student with a working knowledge of ministering in the local church.

  • Pm-631 - eq SH3: Pastoral Leadership
    This is considered to be a seminary course and is designed to provide the student with skills in leadership and management.

  • Pm-632 - eq SH3: Advanced Homiletics
    This course is designed to aid the student in sermon preparation and delivery.

  • Pm-633 - eq SH3: Pastoral Ministry
    this course is also a seminary course and provides the student with knowledge of general church problems and solutions.

  • Pm-634 - eq SH3: Expository Preaching
    This course is designed to help the preacher to effectively develop the style of Biblical expository preaching in regards to study, development, and outlining.

  • Pm-635 - eq SH3: Pastoral Administration
    The requirements of today’s pastor necessitate knowledge of church administration. This course seeks to provide the minister with these skills.

  • Pm-731 - eq SH3: Pastoral Theology
    The student studies the Biblical concept of the pastoral office, the pastor and his relationship to God, as well as his task; worship, business meetings, funerals, weddings, etc.

  • Pm-763 - eq SH6: Pastoral Thesis
    The student is required to research the area of pastoral ministry and present a thesis of no less than 20k words.
  • Pastoral Ministry Concentration

God's call to become a pastor comes with a desire to study the Word of God with an emphasis to rightly divide the word of truth.  One should be possessed with a settled conviction that God  has indeed called them to preach the Word of God. 

  • Enrollment Application: