The courses noted are applicable to diploma, undergraduate and graduate degree programs.  For a syllabus on either program, please call 1-864-607-5200

  • Mi-121 - eq SH2: Evangelism
    The student learns how to lead one to the saving knowledge of Christ and how to deal with difficult cases.

  • Mi-122 - eq SH2: The Evangelist. A comprehensive biblical perspective on the heart and habits of an evangelist. Looking at the Apostle Paul as an example.
  • Mi-123 - eq SH2: Missions
    This course acquaints the student with basic missionary principles, purposes, and activities. It will lead the student into the position of intelligent cooperation with the missionary program of the church and install a vital missionary vision.

  • Mi-221 - eq SH2: Bible Basis of Missions
    This course is designed to know the Biblical foundations for missions.

  • Mi-322 - eq SH2 - Homiletics. The art and application of preaching and teaching the Word of God - This study is provides knowledge and counsel for effective ministry in evangelism.
  • Missiology/Evangelism  Concentration

God's call to missions and to become an evangelist comes with a desire to study the Word of God with an emphasis to rightly divide the word of truth.  Read more on the role and heart of the evangelist.  Has God called you to the ministry?  Click Here

  • Enrollment Application: 
  • Mi-431 - eq SH3: Missionary Life & Work.
    An approach is made to acquaint the prospective missionary with the life and work of a missionary on the field.

  • Mi-433 - eq SH3: Cross Cultural Communication
  • Mi-434 - eq SH3: Cross Cultural Church Planting
    This course examines the necessary elements of starting churches in other cultures.

  • Mi-536 - eq SH3: History of Missions
    This course takes a look at the Biblical foundations, delineation, instrument and dynamics of missions.

  • Mi-537 - eq SH3: Theology of Missions
    This course deals with fundamental issues of missions.

  • Mi-761 - eq SH6: Thesis (20,000 Words)