Book of Romans Chapter 1 continued: vs. 18-32  

  • The Sinners Perception - vs.18-32
  1. God's Wrath Observed - 18a ...the wrath of God is revealed..
  2. God's Wrath Deserved - 18b ...against all ungodliness...
  3. God's Wrath Reserved - 18c ...who hold the truth in unrighteousness..
  4. God's Work Rejected - 19-20
    a. God's Internal Work - 19 ...that which may be in them..
    b.God's External Work - 20 ...creation... are clearly seen...

  5. God's Worthiness Is Rejected - 21-25
    a. They Are Hateful of God - 21a ...they glorified him not as God...
    b. They Are Not Grateful to God - 21b ...neither were thankful...

  6. Godlessness is Their Reward- 22-32
    a. Their Choice - 23-25 - Idolatry
          1. Their Choice Is Intentional - 23
           2. Their Choice Is Consequential - 24-25
    b. Their Voice - 26-27
          1. Vile - 26 ...vile affections...
          2. Defiled - 27 themselves...
    c. Their Noise - 28-32
         1. Their Claim - 28 ...they did not like to retain God...
     2. Their Shame - 29 ...filled with all unrighteousness...
     3. Their Blame - 30-32 ...haters of God...
               a. They Hate Authority - 30 ...disobedient to parents...
               b. They Hate Authenticity - 31 ...covenant breakers...
               c. They Hate Accountability - 32 ...the judgment...

​Why do sinners hate God and His only begotten Son, Jesus Christ?  The answer is simple. Sinners naturally hate God, because they are decisively and deliberately selfish; and God is (by His very nature) contrary to the sure intent of the human heart. Yet, we have no justification to hate God. That is, we have no legitimate reason for doing so. God did not create us to hate him... but to know him and love him.   (Read more)

Dr. Arthur Belanger





​​Book of Romans Chapter One Continued:  vs.16-32.  
God had predetermined that salvation would be by grace through faith in Christ crucified alone.  This is the perception that God has provided... Salvation by grace. Thus, all are afforded the opportunity to be saved (Titus 2:11). God never predestined that people would go to hell (2 Peter 3:9).   As a matter of fact, hell was purposefully and exclusively prepared for Satan and his angels (Matthew 25:41).

While it is both true and tragic that people are going to hell... they do so at their own choosing.   God has purposed that people would be born to be born again (1 Timothy 2:4). This required God's offer of salvation and man's responsibility to receive God's gift of eternal life by faith. God will never save anyone without their consent (John 1:12).

  • The Saints Perception - vs.16-17
  1. The Admiration of The Gospel - 16a ...I am not ashamed of the gospel...
  2. The Advantage of The Gospel - 16b is the power of God...
  3. The Advancing of The Gospel - 16c everyone...
  4. The Advocacy of The Gospel - 17a ...the righteousness of God
  5. The Adequacy of The Gospel - 17b ...The just shall live by faith...