Book of Romans Chapter Eight:  Continued...

Paul continues chapter eight with a strong emphasis on contrast... life versus death and how they are realized.  He also provides clarity on the identity of the believer in light of their relationship to and with Christ.  Paul identifies the internal, eternal, and external marks of the Christian.  
I.  Thinking Internally - vs.12,14

  • No Obligation To The Flesh - vs.12 ...Therefore, brethren, we are debtors, NOT to flesh...  Note The Ramification - vs.13,14
  1. A Sure Separation  - vs.13a   ...For if ye live after the flesh, ye shall die...
  2. A Pure Sanctification - vs.13b   ...through the Spirit...
  3. An Assured Identification - vs.14  ...the sons of God.

II. Thinking Eternally - vs.15,

  • God The Father
  1. Our Relationship - vs.15a  ...adoption...
  2. Our Relating - vs.15b   ...we cry, Abba, Father...
  • God The Holy Spirit - vs.16
  1. He Reveals Our Belonging- vs.16a  ...beareth witness...with our spirit...
  2. He Seals Our Belonging - vs.16b   ...the children of God...
  • God The Son - vs.17
  1. Our Fortune In Christ - vs.17a   ...joint heirs with Christ...
  2. Our Fellowship With Christ - vs.17b   ...we suffer with him...
  3. Our Future With Christ - vs.17c,27 ... glorified together.

Note:  Our Future Compared To The Present - vs.18 ...compared with the glory...
Note:  Our Future Compelled By The Present - vs.19,23

Note: Our Future Complete In The Present - vs.24,25 ... saved...
Note: Our Future Compatible To The Present - vs.26,27   ...Likewise the Spirit also...
This is important to note: our compatibility with Christ and the Holy Spirit in the present is equal to what it will be in heaven.

III. Thinking Externally - 28,39 - What is seen and known.

  • Our Belonging To God The Father Is Obvious - vs.28,30  ...And we know...
  1. A Personal Relationship - vs.28a  ...that love God..

a.  A Purposeful Relationship - vs.28b  ...His purpose...
Note His Purpose: 

1:  To Be Identified- vs.29   ...conformed to the image of his Son...
2:  To Be Justified - vs.30a   ...justified...
3:  To Be Glorified - vs.30b  ...glorified...

b. A Perpetual Relationship - vs.31,39

  1. Our Relationship Is Protected By God - vs.31  ...who can be against us...
  2. Our Relationship Is Provided By God - vs.32  ...He that spared not his own Son...
  3. Our Relationship Is Proven By God - vs.33  ...It is God that justifieth...

Note:  The Prove Is In Christ Death - vs.33a  ...It is Christ that died...
Note:  The Prove Is In Christ Deity .vs.33b  ...who is even at the right hand of God...
Note: The Prove Is In Christ Devotion - vs.34   ...the love of Christ...
Note:  The Prove Is In Christ Determination - vs.35,39  There Will Never Be A Separation.

More than anything or anyone, we have the assurance that God's Word IS absolute. The Bible alone is our assurance that God is love, accessible, and approachable (Hebrews 4:16). No Christian who has failed can fail when they approach God by faith alone (Hebrews 11:6). Thank God for the B.I.B.L.E. ! Amen.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger 

​​Book of Romans Chapter Eight  

Paul begins chapter eight with explosive thinking due to the assurances that come from  knowing Jesus Christ as our personal savior.  

In contrast to the fleeting assurances offered by the world, the salvation that Christ IS, is an everlasting reality. Although many people spend their lives attempting to buy, create, or achieve assurances, God's salvation of us is complete. The good news is that, even when we do not know what the future holds, we can know the one Who holds the future. This is the assurance that breeds confidence in biblical thinking.


  • No Condemnation - vs.1 condemnation...
  • No Intimidation - vs.2  ...made me free from the law of sin...


  • Sin Is Condemned - vs.3  ...condemned sin in the flesh...
  • Sinfulness Is Conquered - vs.4 ...That the righteousness...might be fulfilled in us...


  • A Difference In A State Of Mind - vs.5
  1. The Unbeliever -  A Defiled Mind - vs.5a   ...mind the things of the flesh..
  2. The Believer - A Transformed Mind - vs,5b  ...the things of the Spirit...
  • A Difference In Style of Mind - vs.6-11
  1. The Unbeliever - A Death Mentality - vs.6a  be carnally minded is death...
  2. The Unbeliever - A Defiant Mentality - vs.7a  ...the carnal mind is enmity against God...
  3. The Unbeliever - A Defiled Mentality - vs.8a  ...cannot please God...
  4. The Believer - A Spiritual Mentality - vs.6b   ...spiritually minded is life and peace...
  5. The Believer - A Scriptural Mentality - vs.9

Note:  We Are Sure In The Present - vs.9   ...But ye are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit...

Note:  We Are Cured In The Present - vs.10   ...And if Christ be in you...the Spirit is life...

Note:  We Are Assured In The Present - vs.11   ...quicken your mortal bodies by his Spirit,

In these 11 verses, the apostle Paul gives a decisive outline that our advantage as Christians in this world that is deliberately hostile to Christ is not in doing a great work for God... it is God working in us (Ephesians 3:20). 

When we are yielded to the cultivating work of the Holy Ghost, honesty and purity will triumph over the fleshly inclinations for self-vindication and preservation and demonstrate the very life and likeness of Jesus Christ.  The stage for the remainder of chapter eight is now set.  

