​​​Book of Romans Chapter Three.  

The religious world which the Bible speaks of is the world of wickedness that hides darkness in the glittering lights of good intentions that merely masquerade the evil intent and content of the heart flamed by the seductive influences fostered by Satan (Genesis 3) 

Many presume that their religious standing qualifies them for heaven and God's blessings.  Paul questions that presumption and reveals the vanity of religion apart from God's grace.

I. Question # 1 - vs. 1-2: The Advantage?

  • They Were Separated By God - 1 ...circumcision...
  • They Were Elevated By God - 2a ...Much every way..
  • They Were Dedicated By God - 2b ...committed...
  • They Were Consecrated To God - 2c ...oracles of God...

II. Questions # 2 & 3 - vs.3,8: The Assumption?

  • A False Assumption - 3-4 ...shall their unbelief... God forbid.
  • A Foolish Assumption - 5-8 ...Is God unrighteous...



Book of Romans Chapter Three  continued  

III   Questions #4 - vs.9-20: The Amazement?

...What Then?...are we better than they?...

  • The Religionist:  Their Pride - 9a ...better than they?...
  • The Reality:  Their Problem - 9b ...they are all under sin...
  • The Result: Their Propensity -10,18...none that seeketh...God.
  • The Reasoning: Their Position - 19,20 ...guilty before God...​

IV. The Answer - 21-31

  • God's Word Declares Salvation - 21 ...witnessed by the law...
  • God's Word Defines Salvation - 22 ...by faith of Jesus Christ...
  • God's Word Directs Salvation - 23 ...For all have sinned...
  • God's Word Defends Salvation - 24, 26 ... in Christ Jesus...
  • God's Word Demands Salvation - 27-31 It should be noted here that salvation is not an alternative... it is an ultimatum. 
  1. The Demand To Accept - 27,28 ...without the deeds...
  2. The Demand To All - 29-30 ...Jew...Gentiles also...
  3. The Demand To Acknowledge - 31 ...we establish the law...

The Bible presents salvation as an obvious experience whereby, God by His grace has justified all who have trusted Jesus Christ (1 John 5:13). The assurance of salvation is not based on feelings (though the Christian may feel saved), but on the absolute authority and authenticity of God's Word.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger