Epistle of First Peter Chapter One. The Cross of Jesus Christ is more than the way to God... it is the way to abide with God just like Jesus (John 12:24,26). This is what makes the Christian life so wonderful and ultimately why Believers stick out as different in an indifferent world. In this first chapter, Peter begins chapter one encouraging believers to remember what the Christian life is all about. Lets note the first four verses...
I. The Christian Life Is Out-Standing - vs.1--2
Note: Peter Appreciates His Calling - 1a ...apostle of Jesus...
Note: Peter Appropriates His Calling - vs. 1b the strangers...
II. The Christian Life Is About Standing - vs.3,4
1. Jesus Is From God - vs.3a ...God and Father of...Christ...
2. Jesus Is God - vs.3b ...Lord Jesus Christ...
3. Jesus Is God For Us - 3c ...abundant mercy...
4. Jesus Is God In Us - vs.3d ...begotten us...
1. A Pure Hope - vs.3e ...a lively hope...
2. A Pure Hero - vs.4a ...resurrection of Jesus...
3. A Pure Honor - vs.4b an inheritance...
4. A Pure Home - vs.4c heaven for you.
Epistle of First Peter Chapter One... Continued...
At first, the responsibility seemed reasonable enough. However, as the reality of the power of the Gospel of Jesus Christ grew on Peter, he became all that God intended: a humble yet confident believer in the power of God.
I. The Power of God Unto Salvation - vs.5
a. A Keeping Power - 5a. ...kept by the power...
b. A Reaping Power - 5b ...through faith...
II. The Power of God Unto Satisfaction - vs.6,7
a. The Heart Rejoices - vs.6 greatly rejoice... See Phil 4:4
1. In The Present - vs.6a ...though now...
2. In The Problems - vs.6b heaviness...
3. In The Process - vs.7a ...trial of your faith...
4. In The Progress - vs.7b ...might be found...
5. In The Promise - vs.7c the appearing...
6. In The Presence - vs.7d ...of Jesus Christ...
III. The Power of God Unto Sanctification - vs.8,9
a. To Take Hold Of God In Love - vs.8a love...
b. To Be Bold With God Above - vs.8b ...yet believing...
c. To Be Told Of God's Love - vs.9 ...Receiving...
Is God requiring you to do or endure something, and yet you remain reluctant to trust Him? If so, honor Him by trusting His Word. Ask God to make you sensitive to His presence and power. God wants you to realize the relationship you have with Him.
There is nothing more refreshing than realizing the presence of God. Only then, will you sense a freedom to be honest with God. This is what you need to make you decisive about the will of God for your life. Regardless of what your situation is, God will sustain you. Knowing the liberty we have to cast all our cares upon Christ is a matter of biblical fact that compels our obedience to the work of the Holy Spirit.
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