


​​Epistle of First Peter Chapter Three.   The role of the wife in a marriage can be very powerful for good or bad.  The apostle Peter emphasizes that a godly wife and her submission to her husband is not one of becoming less than her husband, but less of herself.  

I.  The Exhortation To Be Submissive Wives - vs.1

  • Concrete In Its Message - 1a   ...Likewise, ye wives...
  1. The Wife Is God's Gift To Her Husband - Genesis 2:18,22
  2. The Wife Is God's Lift For Her Husband - Genesis 2:23
  • Complete In Its Meaning - 1b
  1. You Are His Possession - Genesis 2:23
  2. You Are His Obsession - Genesis 2:24

Note:  Obedience Requires Perspective - vs.22  ...Seeing...
Note: Obedience Requires Persuasion - vs.22 ...the Holy Spirit.

II.  The Effect Of A Submissive Wife - vs.1c,2

  • On Her Husband's Ears - 1c ...the conversation of the wives.
  • On Her Husband's Eyes - 2a  ...while they behold...
  • On Her Husband's Emotions - 2b   ...couple with fear...

III.  The Evidence Of A Submissive Wife - vs.3-4

  • The Negative - 3
  1. It Is Not Superficial - 3a   ...let it not be that outward...
  2. It Is Not Superstitious - 3b   ...or putting on apparel...
  • The Positive - 4
  1. The Beauty Of Sincerity - 4a   ...hidden man of the heart...
  2. The Beauty Of Surety - 4b   ...which is not corruptible...
  3. The Beauty Of Serenity - 4c   ...of a meek and quiet spirit...

IV.  The Example Of A Submissive Wife - vs. 5,6

  • Their Attitude - 5
  1. They Are Holy Women - 5a   ...the holy women...
  2. They Are Hopeful Women - 5b   ...who trusted God...
  3. They Are Honest Women - 5c   ...being in subjection...
  • Their Actions - 6
  1. They Are Compliant - 6a ...as Sarah obeyed Abraham...
  2. They Are Considerate - 6b   ...calling him lord...
  3. They Are Composed - 6c ...not afraid...

Adam was in need of a help-meet. He could have functioned without her. He was already an accomplished man by virtue of God's creative work. But God saw that it was not good for Adam to be alone (Genesis.2:18).  Before the woman was made, Adam was one person. After the woman was made, Adam remained one person with two bodies.  It is the neglect of this doctrine of oneness by either ignoring it or ignorance of it that explains why marriages are a failure for the most part. 

I.  The Husband Is To Be Thoughtful Of His Wife- vs.7a

  • In Living With Her - 7a  ...ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge.  He is to be knowledgeable of the Bible:
  1. ​Knowledgeable of Salvation - vs.7 implies the husband is saved... as he is a praying man
  2. Knowledgeable of Sanctification - vs.7 implies the sanctified man by his prayers.
  3. Knowledgeable Of Satisfaction - vs.7 implies the husband is a satisfied man by his unhindered prayers.
  • In Loving Her - 7b  ...giving honor unto the wife.  Eph. 5:25
  1. By Lifting Her - She's referred to as the weaker vessel - 7c
  2. By Gifting Her - She's referred to as the meeker vessel -see vs.4

Note:  Gift Her With Submission - Eph. 5:21
Note:  Gift Her With Support - Eph. 5:25
Note:  Gift Her With Supplication/Prayers

II.  The Husband Is To Be Thankful For His Wife- vs.7c-e

  • For Her Position In Life - 7c  ...as unto the weaker vessel...  God Designed Her That Way
  • For Her Possession of Eternal Life - 7d  ...being heirs together... God Desires Her This Way
  • For His Prayer Life - 7e   ...that your prayers be not hindered... God Directs This Way

All of the above is a summary outline of Peter's concern for the husband's responsibility to God for his wife . The godly husband is concerned for the spiritual growth of his wife and her desire to glorify God.

Epistle of First Peter Three...  Continued...
Sometimes, our lives will experience, even require a major disruption in order to fix our attention firmly on the Lord.   Never disregard those moments when suffering has become painfully obvious as an obstacle.  They are tools in the hand of our Master. Though sometimes painful, these times can become our most life-altering moments, depending on how we respond.  As we continue through the remainder of chapter three, we find a challenge to answer the call in a number of ways.

I.  The Call To Unity In Suffering - vs.8-9

  • Fellowship With The Saints - vs.8a  ...be ye all of one mind...
  • Fellowship For The Saints - vs.8b  ...having compassion... love as brethren...
  • Forbearing With The Saints - vs.8c  ...be pitiful... courteous...
  • Forsaking of Spite - vs.9a  ...not rendering evil for evil...
  • Forgiving The Saints - vs.9b   ...knowing that ye are called...

II.  The Call To Importunity When Suffering - vs.10-11

  • The Motivation - vs.10a,b
  1. Grateful For Eternal Life - 10a   ...For he that will love life...
  2. Grateful For Internal Living - 10b   ...and see good days
  • The Separation - vs.10c,11

Note:  Negatively - 10c-11a

  1. Refrain From Devilish Speech - vs.10c ...refrain his tongue from evil...
  2. Refrain From Deceitful Speech - 10d   ...speak no guile...
  3. Refrain From Destructive Speech - 11a   ...eschew evil...

Note:  Positively - vs.11b-d

  1. A Delightful Duty - 11b  ...and do good...
  2. A Delightful Direction - 11c  ...let him seek peace...
  3. A Delightful Diligence - 11d  ...and ensue it.

III.  The Call To Opportunity In Suffering - vs.12-22

  • The Premise of Opportunity - vs.12-13       
  1. The Omnipresent Lord - vs.12   ...for the eyes of the Lord... his ears are open...
  2. The Omnipotent Lord - vs.13   ...the Lord is against them...
  • The Prospect of Opportunity - vs.14 ...ye suffer for righteousness sake...
  • The Preparation For Opportunity - vs.15-16 
  1. The Virtue Of A Prepared Attitude - vs.15  ...sanctify the Lord God in your heart... be ready always...
  2. The Value of A Pure Attitude - vs.16  ...a good conscience.
  • The Promise of Opportunity - vs.17
  1. Suffering For Doing Wrong Is Proper And Probable - 17a
  2. Suffering For Doing Well Is Profitable And Possible - 17b
  • The Preeminence Of Opportunity - vs.18-22   
  1. The Explanation Of Christ - vs.18,20

Note: The Vice of Suffering - vs.18  ...For Christ also hath once suffered...
The Victory of The Sovereign - vs.19,20   ...he went and preached unto the spirits...

       2. The Exclamation Of Christ - vs.21-22

Note:  The Picture Of Salvation - vs.21a,b

a. What It Is Not - 21a ...not putting away of the filth of the flesh...
b. What It Did - 21b   ....a good conscience toward God...
Note:  The Proof of Salvation - vs.21c ...resurrection of  Christ...
Note:  The Person Of Salvation - vs.22  Jesus Christ.

  1. His Place - vs.22a   ...Who is gone into heaven...
  2. His Position - vs.22b   ...is on the right hand of God...
  3. His Power - vs.22c   ...made subject unto him.

More than anything or anyone, we need the assurance that God's Word IS absolute. The Bible alone is our assurance that God is in control and accessible (Hebrews 4:16). No Christian is alone in the valley of the shadow of death (Psalm 23) Thank God for the B.I.B.L.E. !

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger