First Peter Chapter Two  continued:  vs.5,10 

Only a Christian can truly understand and come to appreciate that there is no mist aking that the heart of reality is the Lord Jesus Christ and His gracious work of redemption at the old rugged cross. The apostle Peter emphasizes the value of this reality and the danger of rejecting it. 

Growing inward as a Believer will be fostered by the right values.

I.  The Value - vs.6-7a

  • ​​Christ Is Our Focus - 6a  ...I lay in Sion a Chief...
  • Christ Is Our Foundation - 6b  ...corner stone...
  • Christ Is Our Favor - 6c  ...elect...
  • Christ Is Our Finest - 6d   ...precious...
  • Christ Is Our Faithfulness - 6e   ...shall not be confounded...
  • Christ Is Our Fullness - 7a  ...Unto you... he is precious...

II.  The Vile - vs.7b-8

  • Disobedient To The Savior's Word - 7b  ...them...disobedient...
  • Disallowed The Savior's Worth - 7c  ...disallowed...
  • Destined To Stumble At The Word - 8a  ...which stumble...
  • Designated By The Savior's Wisdom - 8b  ...were appointed...

III.  The Valiant - vs.9-10

  • The Demonstration Of God's Grace - vs.9
  1. We Been Fought For - 9a are chosen...
  2. We Been Bought - 9b  ...a royal priesthood...
  3. Were Being Taught - 9c   ...A holy nation...peculiar...
  • The Declaration of God's Grace - 9d-10
  1. Who Will Do It? - 9d   ...that ye should...
  2. What Will You Do? - 9e   ...shew forth...
  3. Why Will You Do It? - 9f  ...praises... Your Grateful
  4. When Will You Do It? - 10

There is nothing in time or eternity more certain than what Jesus Christ accomplished on the Cross. The cross is ground zero for humanity and eternity. God the Father made redemption through the blood of His only Begotten Son the foundation by which we stand reconciled unto HIM.  

The apostle Peter encourages us be careful not to substitute the Cross of Christ for causes. Simply put, we should beware, lest your preferences persuades our doctrinal belief and shipwrecks your devotion to Christ and His Cross. Amen!

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger

​​​​First Peter Chapter Two.  
Tragically, many Christians are like Lazarus (John 11:30,44) as he comes out of the tomb alive in Christ, but still bound by the grave clothes of the world. They cannot work for their hands are bound, nor witness because their mouths are bound. They cannot see because their faces and eyes are covered by the personality of death. The only possibility of freedom for spiritual growth for the Believer is to be loosed from the rags of this old world.

I.  Growing Is Required - vs.1

  • Grow In Attitude - 1a   ...laying aside all malice...
  • Grow In Audio - 1b  ...and all guile...
  • Grow In Authenticity - 1c  ...hypocrisies...envies...evil...

    II.  Growing Is Desired - vs.2,3

  • The Picture Of Desire - 2a    ...As new born babes...
  • The Passion Is Decisive - 2b  ...desire the sincere milk..
  • The Purpose Is Declared - 2c  ...that ye may grow...
  • The Proof Is Described - 3
  1. By Testing - 3a   ...if so...
  2. By Tasting - 3b have tasted...

III.  Growing Is Inspired - vs4,5

  • Christ Visualized - 4a unto a living stone...  He is Alive!
  1. In-spite Of What Men Say - 4b   ...disallowed...of men...
  2. Inspired Of God - 4c   ...chosen of God...
  • Christians Visualized - 5a   ...Ye also...
  1. The Description - 5b lively stones...
  2. The Development - 5c   ...built up...
  3. The Dignity - 5d holy priesthood...
  4. The Duty - 5e offer up spiritual sacrifices...
  5. The Delight - 5f  ...acceptable to God...  See Hebrews 11:6.

Jesus displays His disdain against bondage and the inability to produce. He commanded that Lazarus be loosed from his captor. When Jesus gives the command to loose Lazarus, it would appear that the miracle is finished.  Not So! Just six days before the pass over, when Jesus would observe the last supper, He and Lazarus were enjoying sweet blessed fellowship at dinner with Mary and Martha serving.  Nothing is more important to a believer who has been set free from the bondage of sin than that of fellowship with the living Savior. Why?  Because Jesus is a great and wonderful Savior and friend. Amen!



