
​​​​​First Peter Chapter Two Continued.  Sometimes we are reluctant to do God's will. We find it inconvenient. We are too busy. We feel uncomfortable. At such times we are tempted to ignore God and hope He goes away. When he doesn't, we may even try to justify our reluctance with our own sense of insecurity or even our sense of inferiority. Possibly, you feel that God may be calling you to do the impossible.

  • The Exercise For Submission - vs.11,12
  1. Separation - 11   ...abstain from...
  2. Dedication - 12

a. Dedicated To Good Words - 12a   ...your conversation honest...
b. Dedicated To Good Works - 12b   ...your good works...

  • The Exhortation For Submission - vs.13
  1. It Is Plain In Its Requirement - 13a   ...Submit...
  2. It Is Personal In Its Responsibility - 13b.   ...yourselves...
  3. It Is Prescribed In Its Reach - 13c. ...every ordinance...
  4. It Is Positive In Its Reason - 13d   ...for the Lord's sake...
  • The Extent Of Submission - vs.13e, 14
  1. To Sovereign Rulers - 13e   ...to kings, as supreme...
  2. To Subordinate Representatives - 14

a. Who Are To Punish Sinners - 14a   ...punishment of evildoers...
b. Who Are To Praise Saints - 14b   ...praise for those who do well...

  • The Effect Of Submission - vs. 15
  1. It Manifest The Way of God - 15a  ...so is the will of God...
  2. It Muzzles The Words of The Godless - 15b ...silence...
  • The Experience Of Submission - vs. 16
  1. Freedom In The Savior - 16a   ...as free...
  2. Faultless In Our Steps - 16b   ...not using your liberty for...
  3. Faithful In Our Service - 16c   ...but as servants of God...
  • The Execution Of Submission - vs. 17
  1. In Our Common Relationship - 17a   ...Honor all men...
  2. In Our Christian Relationship - 17b ...love the brotherhood.
  3. In Our Chief Relationship - 17c   ...Fear God...
  4. In Our Civil Relationship - 17d   ...honor the king...

When God called Moses to lead Jews out of Egypt, he replied, O Lord, please send someone else to do it!  (Exodus 4:13). When God called Jeremiah to be a prophet, he replied, ...I do not know how to speak... (Jeremiah 1:6). The list goes on. The apostles were unschooled, ordinary men. Timothy was young, frail and frightened.  Paul's thorn in the flesh made him feel weak. But God's response to all of His servants, including you, is essentially the same: My grace is sufficient... (2 Corinthians 12:9).  God helped these people in spite of their weaknesses, and He can and will help you in spite of your sense of inadequacy. Jesus Christ is the perfect incentive for submission to the will and call of God.

First Peter Chapter Two  continued:  vs.18,25

The deception that many of us ignore or are ignorant of is the tendency of measuring our devotion to God through our service for God.  True devotion to Christ is compelled by who Chris t is and not merely demands to serve.

Devotion to God is a direct result or outcome of God's faithfulness and graciousness to us  (2 Corinthians 5:14a).  It is quite possible to serve God without devotion to Him (Matthew 5:8). However, it is impossible to be devoted to God and not serve him (Joshua 24:15).

  • The Exhortation For Servants- vs.18
  1. To Be Constant In Our Duty - 18a  ...Servants...
  2. To Be Instant In Our Devotion - 18b ...subject to your master...
  • The Expectation Of Servants - 18c, 19
  1. To Submit To The Good Master - 18c  ...not only to the good and gentle...
  2. To Submit To The Grievous Master - 18d  ...but also to the froward...
  3. To Show Grace In Meekness - 19a  ...this is thankworthy...
  4. To Suffer The Grief Of Maltreatment - 19b   ...endure grief...
  5. To Suffer In Godliness For The Master - 19c  ...suffering wrongfully...
  • The Excellence Of Servants - vs.20,21b
  1. Patient When At Fault - 20a  ...When ye be buffeted for your faults...
  2. Patient When Faithful - 20b  ...when ye do well...
  3. Patient When Falsely Accused - 20c  ...this is acceptable with God...
  4. Patient When Forgotten - 21a  ...hereunto were ye called...
  • The Example For Servants - vs. 21b, 25
  1. Christ Undeserved Suffering - 21b,22

a. His Suffering Was Substitutionary - 21b   ...suffered for us...
b. His Suffering Was A Sample - 21c-d
Note: What Christ Lived For Us - 21c  ..
.leaving us an example...
Note: What Christ Left For Us - 21d  ...follow his steps...
c. His Suffering Was Sinless - 22a  ...who did no sin...
  2.  Christ Unique Suffering - 23
a. He Was Calm - 23a  ...reviled not again...  Didn't Argue.
b. He Was Compassionate - 23b ...threatened not... Didn't Accuse
c. He Was Committed - 23c ...committed himself...  Didn't Avenge
 3. Christ Unselfish Suffering - 24, 25
a. Four Our Sanctification - 24a  ...would live unto righteousness...
b. For Our Salvation - 24b   ...by whose stripes year were healed...
c. For Our Satisfaction - 25  ...and Bishop of your souls...

A biblical devotion is always instigated and nurtured  by the grace of God and is an infinite treasure of eternal value.  God's grace is the standard of service that becomes the statement of our service and life (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger