Proverbs Chapter Five Continued 

  •  Learning To Be Applicable - vs.15,23
  1. Stay Focused - vs.15
  2. Stay Fruitful - vs.16
  3. Stay Forceful - vs.17
  4. Stay Fond - vs.18,19a
  5. Stay Faithful - vs.19b
  6. Stay Fortified - vs.19c
  7. Stay Away From Strange Women - vs.20
  8. Stay Away From Strange Men - vs.21-23 - Why?

              a. He is Deceived - vs.22
              b. He Will Decease - vs.23

One of the most important facets of the Christian's life is the discipline of waiting upon God. That does not mean the believer should live a passive existence. Rather, it means to deliberately consecrate ourselves to listen to the indwelling Holy Spirit. How refreshing it really is when we are discerning the will of God in every given circumstance. Rather, it meets with the peace of God that truly passeth all understanding. Amen!

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger 


1-(864) 607-5200

Book of Proverbs Chapter Five.  There will be episodes in our routine of living when difficult decisions must be made. It may be in moments that are extremely critical and time-sensitive and sometimes they are not. But one thing we want to be certain of is this: are we listening to God personally and biblically?

When we listen to God with a willful desire to obey God... the results will be beneficial internally and externally. 

Note these benefits:

  • Learn To Be Appreciative  - vs.1

1. Appreciate Our Belonging - vs.1a   ...My son...
2. Appreciate Our Being Beloved - vs.1b  Note 1 John 3:1

  • Learn To Be Approachable - vs.1c  ...attend, bow thine ear.
  •  Learn To Apprehend - vs.2   This becomes a protective mechanism.

1. Guards Us From Seductions - vs.3,6  ...For the lips of a strange woman...
2. Guides Us With Instructions -  - vs.7  ...from the words of my mouth...
3. Guarding Us From Seduction - vs.3
a. Enticing Words - vs.3  ...lips of a strange women...
b. Enslaving Words - vs.4  ...her end is bitter as wormwood...
c. Entrancing Words - vs.5,6   ...her ways are movable...

3.  Garnishing Us With Negative Examples - vs.11.14
a. The Example of Remorse - vs.11
b. The Example of Rejecting - vs.12-13 -
c. The Example Of Regret - vs.14