Time is running out. 

Yesterday is gone;   tomorrow is uncertain  (Prov. 27:1), today is truly your only opportunity to resolve yourself to the will of God.  It wasn't until king David reached the gutter of despair, until he was facing the loss of his family and death by mutiny, that he returned to the Lord.  Just when time was running out, David repented, recalled how God had blessed him in the past, refocused his attention to God's power, remembered God's promises, and resolved to trust God. He simply made up his mind that he would follow and obey the Lord whatever the cost in the present.   Like King David,  we must understand that it does cost much to redeem the time... however,  it will cost the most if we don't.

Redeeming time begins when you are faced with the question of whether or not to value above all else, your relationship to Jesus Christ; and then make a determination to go through whatever pressure God has permitted... surrendering all that you have and all that you are to Him. You will take great pleasure in knowing that God's grace and mercy is the incentive to redeeming the time.

Sincerely, Dr. Arthur Belanger





Redeeming The Time...  How and Why?  Perhaps your life has gotten off course. You find yourself complaining and wishing you were experiencing a different set of circumstances. In the mean time;  time is getting away. You are running out of time to do and be what God desires for you now. The Bible says:  So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom (Psalm 90:12). 

The harsh reality to our complaining for lack of time is that we have not confessed and truly repented, or turned away from bad management of our time.   One major clue that we are not redeeming the time is a pattern of procrastination.

The challenge to redeem time is very personal with God. When we neglect our need to redeem time, we leave ourselves vulnerable to the manipulating wiles of the devil that may leave one preoccupied with the cares of life.